Hi there, I'm Njonjo Njubi,
I'm a

Please take a look around, see what I've been up to, and let's see what we can build together.

Browse some of my work.

  • Need a Software Dev?
    Need a Game Dev?


Iron Dragon: The Neon Edition

My second finished game project which was a simple 2D Updown shooter game project that I developed along with four other students as a team project

Tech Stack
  • Unity3D
  • C#
  • Maya3D

Colloseum Coach

While Intering at MassDigi I was brought on as a junior programmer for a turn based, pixel style project which was to be published on the google & apple play stores.

Tech Stack
  • Playstore
  • Unity2D

About Last Knight

The Second project I worked on for MassDigi with oversight from Dejobaan Games LLC, an indie games studio based in Boston, MA. This project was never released but it was a 3D puzzler similar to chess with a unique twist on gameplay.

Tech Stack
  • UnityEngine
  • C#
  • Maya3D
  • Photoshop

Loaded Against you

4th Place winner submisson to the Becker IGDA 2016 24hr Jam: Experiment.

Tech Stack
  • UnityEngine
  • C#
  • Photoshop

My Project Code Snippets

This is a code repository for snippets of my code that I'm allowed to share from my projects I've worked on.

Tech Stack
  • Javascript
  • C++
  • C#
  • React.js


My current project in development, more info soon.

Tech Stack
  • Unity2D
  • Aseprite
  • Live2D


I've worked with a range of coding languages, software and version control. From back-end to Design.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React.js, JavaScript,
    and C++/C#.

  • Back-End & Engines

    Experience with
    Unity, Node.js
    and Unreal

  • Version Control

    Experience with
    tools like Git
    and Perforce

About Me

I'm a Game Developer previously based in Boston, MA. Now living in Cologne, Germany.


Solving problems and providing elegant, innovative and accessible solutions is a passion of mine.

When I'm not coding you can find me playing guitar, learning german or playing videos games ofcourse.

Let's connect!

I am currently accepting new freelance clients, interesting project opportunities, and memes.

Email me at: biz@albertnjubi.com
Or send me a quick message here:

★ Made personally with love and NetlifyView Source